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Subash Chandra Bose – The Backbone of India


NetajiNetaji Subash Chandra Bose was one of the most prominent National Leaders of India. The brave man is like a one man army, had been a great leader, and captained the revolutionary Army during the World War II.  Unfortunately, like Mahatma Gandhiji and Jawaharlal Nehru who have garnered massive credit for freedom of India and independence, Subash Chandra Bose wasn’t provided with the right recognition. His contribution and efforts he made to get independence is no inferior to the efforts of other nationalists. He was  denied the appropriate place and respect he was entitled to. Still, he is crowned in the hearts of his admirers.

Let us have a brief look at the life of this great warrior!

Subash Chandra Bose – Childhood and Early Life

Subash Chandra Bose,  warmly called as Netaji was born in Cuttack, Orissa. He was the 9th child for his parents and he had 14 siblings. His father was a famous lawyer and his mother was a devout and religious woman. He had his education in the city of Calcutta. He was a brilliant student and excelled in his studies, topped in the matriculation education and graduated with first class in Philosophy.

Achievements of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose

NetajiWhile Netaji remains a role model for many, he was greatly influenced by Swami Vivekananda. As an obedient son, in order to fulfill the desire of his parents, he went on to pursue his higher education in England. He had his higher studies to compete in the Indian Civil Services. In the year 1920, he appeared in the competitive examination and obtained fourth rank in the meritorious rating.  The top rank earned him spot appointment and he was honored with apprenticeship.

During the mid of his apprenticeship training in Indian Civil Services, he was annoyed and extremely disturbed by Jallianwalla Bagh slaughter. The dejected Netaji, returned back to India, quitting his training in the midway in the year 1921.

Political Life

After reaching India, he joined hands with CR Das, who he considered as his political guru. He was arrested for the first time in the year 1925 and was imprisoned in Mandalay. His health deteriorated and he contracted the most dreaded disease of the previous century, tuberculosis.

After two year of imprisonment, he was released. Very soon, he became the General Secretary of the Congress Alliance and worked along with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. This time he started his aggressive movement for independence. Again he was arrested and imprisoned, on the grounds of civil disobedience. However, he was soon released and became the mayor of Calcutta.

As his health was deteriorating, he travelled to Europe in the mid of 1930s to get his disease treated. In spite of his bad health, he visited many Indian students as well as politicians of Europe.

During the end of 1930, he gained prominence nationally and got  nominated as president of Congress Party.

At this point of time, he had a disagreement with Mahatma Gandhi. While Bose stood for use of force to get India independent, Gandhiji stood for non-violence. Opposing Netaji, he wanted to split the congress party. While Bose wanted to stay united, Gandhiji ordered him to form his own party. This rift between Bose and Gandhiji also made Nehru to stand against him. After forming his own alliance, Bose won the election and became the president again. However, due to differences, Gandhiji made him resign from his post. This retarded Bose once for all from the Indian politics, still he remained a strong force in his home town and state.

During the European War, he was again imprisoned and was house arrested. After escaping from the house arrest he flew down to Peshawar and reached Afghanistan.

Indian National Army was his dream child and he gave life to this child, which gathered Indian masses. He was arrested for more than 10 times from 1921 to 1941.

Mysterious death of Subash Chandra Bose

Many great leaders and legendary personalities unfortunately become prey for mysteries. Subash Chandra Bose isn’t an exception and he had a mysterious plane crash. However, there are  no evidences to authenticate the death of Netaji. Even after he was declared dead, a few evidences existed that Netaji was alive in Russia and even in India, after Independence. The truth never came to light.

The great man never cared to lose his lucrative career in the administrative field for the sake of his motherland. A salute to him and Jai Hind!

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