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Feeling lonely? Want a hug? Here comes hugging chair for you!!

Huggin Chair
Wanna Hug? I am here!

Wanna Hug? I am here!

Innovative things keep coming to give more and more comfort to human beings. The latest addition to this list is Hugging Chair.

Hugging chairs are invented to comfort the lonely people, especially elderly persons. Every human being, sometime or the other feel that all his miseries can be alleviated with just one hug. But nobody to turn to! Hugging chairs come as a great help under such situations. The chairs have a comfortable, soothing seating, a doll face, soft and comforting arms. The chair is manufactured to give a soothing and comfortable hug and cuddle the user.

Such innovative gift has come from the pioneer manufacturer from Japan AIST. Though it can be used by any one, the main intention of manufacturing such a chair are senior citizens. Though hugging chairs were existing in the market already, this design is unique and gives a personal touch. The design and technology are made to give the best hug possible. It is also intended for patients and improved versions to serve everyone is expected soon. The chair is also appropriately termed as ‘anti-loneliness chair’. It can also be a great stress buster.

Next time you want a hug or cuddling, you don’t have to depend on anybody. This chair can comfort you!!!

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