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Sandalwood Tree: Gift from Karnataka

Sandalwood Carvings
sandalwood panel

sandalwood panel

Karnataka is famous for a few unique products like Mysore Silk Sarees, Mysorepak and most important, Sandal Wood. Sandalwood tree is known for its fragrance and the oil extracted is an important ingredient in cosmetics. Sandalwood is the king of all aroma plants because this wood retains the fragrance for a longer period compared to other fragrant wood.

Availability of Sandal Wood

Santalum album, commonly known as Sandalwood, is grown naturally in the forests of Karnataka. People can also cultivate sandalwood in their private lands now, which was not permitted earlier. The weather condition of Karnataka suits sandalwood growth. The Sandalwood tree has to be at least 15 years of age to extract wood from the tree. There are around 85-90 species of sandalwood, but all of them do not have the same commercial value. Only the species of Santalum are in great demand. Santalum album trees grow to a height of 5-10 meters and have a life span of 100 years.

Sandalwood oil

Sandalwood oil

The main uses of the Sandalwood are:

1)      Cosmetics

2)      Aroma-therapy

3)      Handicraft Items

4)      Worshipping in different cultures

5)      It has medicinal value also

Sandalwood Handicraft items are in great demand as they are unique and have intricate carvings. In Karnataka carving is comes as family business and there are excellent sculptors who produce unique pieces which are a personification of art. Sandalwood carved items are in demand not only in India but have an excellent market all over the world, especially the sandalwood is grown in Western Ghats of Karnataka region. This region produces high-quality sandalwood. Red Sandalwood or Pterocarpus santalinus also belongs to sandalwood species, which is equally valued and in demand. Sandalwood is listed as an endangered species as it is overexploited for its commercial value.

Handicraft items

There are many artisans in Karnataka who have taken up sandalwood carving and export of sandalwood products as their occupation. All sandalwood products like carved items, sandalwood powder, sandalwood paste, and sandalwood oil have good demand and are highly priced.  In India, sandalwood is an inevitable part of any pooja, either in the form of a paste or Dhoop or incense sticks.


sandalwood face pack

Uses In Cosmetics

Mysore Sandal Soap has an international market and Sandalwood dust and sandalwood oil is used in many beauty creams, body sprays, powder and so on.

The cost of Sandalwood is around Rs. 6000 per kg at present and also it is not available in the open market. Artisans and manufacturers have to buy them through Government stores only and the quota released are limited based on the product manufactured. Unauthorized possession of sandalwood is considered an offense in India.

Sandalwood is the king of all trees and Karnataka is blessed with this tree in abundance. Export of sandalwood products and cultivation of sandalwood is a major industry in Karnataka.

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