Written by 2:02 am Recipes

Crunchy paneer Pakora for a Special Evening


When you are getting guests in the evening with a short notice is nice but at the same time the question of serving them with snacks also arises. Here is the recipe for a makki and paneer pakora which is easy to make, tasty and makes a good snack for the evening.

Requirements :

1 Cup Bengal gram flour, 100 Grms. Paneer, Two tablespoons of fresh corn, Cumin powder ½ Table spoon, Two Green Chillies, Coriander leaves, Small piece of Ginger, One cup of Milk, 1½ Spoon Amchur Powder, Garlic Paste, Salt to taste and Oil for deep frying.



Preparation : Onion to be finely chopped, Coriander Leaves to be chopped, Cheese Grated, Corn to be crushed using a blender.

Method : Heat 2 tablespoon oil in the pan, add ginger and garlic and fry till they get roasted on low heat, add crushed corn and fry, add salt and milk and cook on low heat till you get an even mixture. Keep it aside for cooling. When it is cool add grated paneer, onion pieces, finely cut green chilies, amchur powder and coraiander leaves and make a dough by mixing the basin.

Make small balls of this dough and deep fry till golden brown.

Paneer pakora is ready to serve. It can be served plain or with sauce.

Alteration in taste can be achieved by adding finely cut vegetable of choice, Pudina or methy leaves.

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