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Guide to Make That Perfect Filter Coffee!

filter coffee

Anything can happen over a Cup of Coffee’ – This slogan is true. Make and Break – both can happen over a cup of coffee, especially Filter Coffee. This is the power and importance of coffee. Only those who have a liking or rather addiction to this drink agree with this. South Indians can have ‘Coffee before Coffee and Coffee after Coffee’ especially a filter coffee. This awesome drink is a must just after waking, after breakfast, with evening snacks and some people love it before bed!

History of making Filter Coffee

But making this concoction to perfection is an art by itself. I remember the time when Coffee seeds were roasted at home and the coffee powder was made at home every time. The coffee powder was ground in hand grinders in small quantities just enough for one time. There were no coffee filters or coffee makers. Hot water was poured on coffee powder and kept aside for some time. A thick cloth was used to filter the decoction. As I remember this coffee decoction was not as thick as the one we get from filter.

With changing times, the Coffee filter was invented and I feel we can make the best coffee using these filters. Coffee makers have entered the modern kitchens which are easy to use. The decoction from coffee makers is best used when fresh. Storing and using will reduce the quality of the coffee.

I find fresh filter coffee the best a cup of good coffee can work wonders to relax. Here I will explain how to make filter coffee to perfection.

Before that a small introduction about what is Filter Coffee

Filter coffee is that coffee that is made using a traditional Coffee Filter in which the hot water transforms into decoction while it percolates through the coffee powder and gets collected in the bottom vessel. This is one of the coffee-making methods which preserves the aroma of the coffee making it the best.

What all you need:

  1. Coffee Powder
  2. Water
  3. Milk
  4. Sugar
  5. Coffee Filter
Traditional Coffee Filter
Traditional Coffee Filter

Coffee Powder: Coffee powder is ground fresh in shops. Buy the one without Chicory and in a combination of 50:50 – that is half pea-berry seeds and half plantation seeds. Only Peabury seeds powder is also good. Check which variety suits you. The coffee bean should be well roasted and ask for the filter powder version, which is a coarse powder.

Now in a filter spread a pinch of sugar first and then add 3 spoons of coffee powder.

Coffee Powder loaded in the Filter
Coffee Powder loaded in the Filter

Press the plate and add hot boiling water. Close the lid and allow the coffee decoction to percolate.

Boiling water added to Filter
Boiling water added to Filter

Keep the milk for boiling in low heat. I prefer full cream milk for coffee and only with this, you get a perfect blend.

Mixing the perfect coffee

Take ¾ cup of milk, add sugar as required, put it on low flame till the sugar is dissolved, make sure that the milk does not boil. Now switch off the stove and add decoction. Here goes the perfect South Indian Filter coffee ready to drink. The real coffee lovers prefer it with less sugar it should have the coffee flavor and milky taste. Some people like to add cream of the milk. If you like it you can add cream, but make sure it dissolves well before you add decoction.

The perfect blend is ready!

Make your morning coffee like this and enjoy it in your garden, you will be in heaven! For an evening coffee keep some snacks like chakkuli or dal vada, roasted groundnut, rava bonda, etc. which make an excellent combination.

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